Executive Summary
This project was created because of a need to hire new employees during one of the busiest training seasons of AMSTI. The director and assistant director would not have time to sit down and do a complete, in depth breakdown of the monday.com process and requirements for new specialists that were hired, so I took on the responsibility of creating one-page cheat sheets and an Articulate Rise course to fill in gaps that may not get covered. I also wanted new specialists to have a quick access to materials to look over and reference when they were out in the field for assignments.
One main challenge for this project was creating tutorials that were not too long so that learners did not lose interest while taking the course. I also wanted to make sure it was user friendly for both math and science specialists and would not seem obsolete in two months time. To do this, I wanted to ensure the tutorials stayed under 10 minutes and to reference both math and science areas that would be used by specialists in their day to day recording of their work.
monday.com is where specialists will find training materials, information about upcoming events, and log their workload for the week. Having a course and having job aids allows specialists to receive training without having a full meeting and be able to reference material when they are in the field and can't quickly get an answer from other employees.
This course is quick and easy to work through, and delivers useful information so learners can avoid frustration in attempting a new productivity tool. It is effective in introducing monday.com to unfamiliar learners, and provides information on every feature the tool offers, giving a comprehensive overview.